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Monday, May 25, 2015

See, so here's the thing. By "Kimberly Evans"

See, so here's the thing. I am not really Kimberly Evans. If you read my book, you will know that. Kimberly Evans is just a name that I came up with, because I like it. I also like the name Trystalyn, or you could spell it Tristalyn. I like many names, but for my book, I decided on Kimberly Evans. 

I had to come up with a pen name, because my book talks about family members, and I want to keep their identity private. 

So, people who know ME, the real me, they know my book is real. They know all about me. But you, no. You have no idea who I am. I promise you, I am real. My story, is real. I am a real person, with a fake name for the book, and for all of this blogging. 

I really have achieved guilt free eating. I really have achieved mental wellness. I still have insecurities, and doubts, and questions, and "stuff", to be sure, but in general, I am at peace. I LOVE!!!!! 

So, please read my book!! Please!!! Please share it with women who you think it may help!! And, PLEASE, write a review on Amazon when you are finished. One more please, if you think it needs something, either more or less, please let me know. How can I help people if my writing is terrible. Feed back is very helpful. 

Thank you so very, very much!!! I wish you peace and happiness. 

Click here to find my book. 

To find me on Facebook: 
Perseverance - A guide to guilt free eating and mental wellness.



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